Grant Writing
Grant Writing
Some believe that the best grant requests are written by the CEO.
Why? Because the CEO knows the business and envisions future change.
But to my mind, the CEO’s time is too valuable to be researching funding sources and writing grants. You know, that vision thing, and being a change agent. To my mind, the best grant writer is dedicating full attention to the project, EXPLAINING what the not-for-profit envisions, how it will create and measure change, and what that means for the community.
You know, doing what the CEO does so well, but taking the time needed to reach one potential donor at a time.
That’s where I come in.
As a former executive director I know the language. I will learn about your not-for-profit business’ history, its programs, its track record, and its community. I will spend just enough time with your CEO to understand the vision, its expected impact, and measurement strategies.
Then I will do the research, bring together the documentation, identify the internal answers needed to refine the potential proposals and increase their impact, “fact check” with your staff, and prepare a solid draft for CEO review. Then I will help engage the potential donors, connect your leaders with the donors, address back-end questions, monitor donor progress to decisions, and work with your staff to establish outcome measurement tools and reports.
As a chief executive I’ve raised a lot of money for my not-for-profit businesses. Let me help you increase the success of yours.